Seeing Zoe in the arms of my REAL LIFE friend makes this so much more real to me. She told me Zoe is a ham and LOVES to have her picture taken. She sees the flash and she turns and looks and smiles. She better get used to that. Mary Leigh took a few new outfits, pajamas, teething toys and baby snack puffs to her along with a card that the boys and I made and a picture of her brothers tucked inside it. Mary Leigh said she told her "your mama is CRAZY" and told her about her closet full of clothes; she said she seemed excited... that girl loves her some clothes!
I sat up and chatted with Mary Leigh in the middle of the night... sobbing. My heart is so full of gratitude for these moms who loved on my girl wishing that my child was here so I could be giving her that lovin'! It's the strangest thing to know that 2 of your kids are safely tucked away in their beds and the other is on the other side of the planet. But we rest in the fact that God is protecting and sustaining Zoe and He'll bring her to us in His perfect timing. I just can't help but wish that time was sooner rather than later.
Anyway, here are a few of the pics they've sent so far! Enjoy!
Mary Leigh, my sweet friend loving on Zoe, my sweet girl! It warms my heart!
Such a happy girl and LOVES the camera!

Sweet eyes full of wonder.

I love this one. Mary Leigh is showing her a picture of Robert and Andrew. She said "brothers" in Korean and Zoe grinned from ear to ear. It made ML tear up. Precious!

Zoe in her crib with her new outfit from us! She's lookin' good in those new threads! (and that's the card the boys and I made for her.)
Chowin' down on some Gerber puffs. Mary Leigh said she LOVED them and she sure does have some chompers in there! HA!

Oh, y'all, I can't tell you how much I love this. Smiling and holding a picture of her brothers... see the next pic to see why this is so cool to me! (that we took in August)

So back in August when the sunflowers were in bloom at Shelby Farms, we took this picture with the boys!
HOW COOL IS THAT? I love that they are all dressed similarly and how much the pics resemble one another.
oh, paula! you are on my heart tonight! that picture of her holding the picture of the the boys is precious! i cannot wait to meet her!